Borderless targets disadvantaged and at-risk communities where children, youths, and women are experiencing, or at risk of, abandonment, abuse, neglect and exploitation. We engage in a diverse range of programs and projects, and always focus on one question—How can we best create positive sustainable impact on these communities, changing their lives for the better and enhancing their well-being?
Check out our Annual Public Report for an overview of what was accomplished in past years.

Due to the significant number of underprivileged kids in Beirut impacted by the various disasters and found begging on the street or forced into labour, Borderless established two community centers in Beirut that provides the kids with education, psychosocial support, and a safe place at no cost to their parents/ guardians. We run one center in Ouzai and another in Karantina, two of the most marginalized areas in Beirut, to provide informal education for more than 300 kids and have put in a place a child protection system. We provide informal educational classrooms that cover mathematic, science, literacy and computer skills education in Arabic and English.
The children do not pay any fees to join which removes a major barrier for parents that are unable to even pay the most basic fees most schools require. In addition, we provide psychosocial and social support to beneficiaries who have psychological trauma as well as train our teacher on Post Trauma Tools (PTT) to identify and respond to children and caregivers who display unusually aggressive behavior and engaged in self-harm. A licensed psychologist is present at the center to treat and track identified issues as well as offer art, music and crafts therapy. With the community centers, every kid receives schooling, access to a variety of psychosocial activities, food, and necessities (such as stationary, shoes, warm clothes, etc.) so that they can stay away from the dangers of child abuse and focus on what matters most: their futures. Since we believe in community integration, we ensure that the school is inclusive of all nationalities with primary focus on vulnerable working children, while our teachers and staff are recruited from the same community we are working with.
Donate now to maintain the community centers and support their growth to reach other marginalized communities.

Not all of us have the privilege to continue our educations and find a job that can support us and our families. For some, growing up was more of a duty than the natural flow of life. We equip the youth of the communities that are considered too old for school or lack the requirements to integrate in the job market with practical and life relevant tools and skills, so that they can have access to greater opportunities such as education, work, and entrepreneurship. We provide for free computer literacy classes and technical and vocational education and training (TVET) such as cellphone repair, professional photography, etc. that help youth acquire skills, knowledge and attitudes needed to enter the world of work.

Women have a pivotal role to play in protecting and developing a community, as they are often responsible for taking care of the household. We help the women of the families develop their technical and leadership skills at no cost to them, so they can support their communities with their knowledge and talents, and eventually become financially independent and self-sufficient. We provide literacy classes, life coaching sessions, as well as technical and vocational education and training (TVET) to increase women’s rights and participation in decision-making at the household and community levels, as well as their access to income and assets and leadership roles. Investing in women has positive impacts on the community’s protection and welfare. When women earn income, it is primarily spent on their families; children’s education, nutrition, basic household needs and also on their communities.
As part of this program, Borderless NGO launched a social initiative titled “Stitching Hope” where unemployed women are trained at no cost to them with practical sewing and embroidery skills and hence equip them with a mean to enter the workplace and generate an income. Our evidence has shown that women who undergo this form of training were able to transform their family’s livelihood. For example, women were able to create handmade products and sell them in local markets, which not only enhanced their financial well-being, but also their self-esteem as productive members of society. We believe this is crucial to break the intergenerational poverty.
This project is part of our continuous efforts to provide resources to further economic opportunity and advance human rights, creating space for individuals to pave personal paths to a free and more productive life. Visit our workshop and browse the handmade products of the project or come meet us every Saturday at Souk El Tayeb market (from 9am to 2pm at Mar Mikhael, Beirut).
Customize Your Order
If you have any custom order or special projects to commission, please contact the Stitching Hope women. We will be more than happy to spend time with you and to work with you on whatever you need! We have already worked with many individuals and businesses to customize aprons, table Linens, cushions, server outfits, dresses, and many more.
You name it, we will make it.

We are always looking for new, innovative ways to engage the families we serve. It is vital to get community and family involvement in decision making processes, and to make sure that parents/community members know that their voice is being heard. We launch a set of community engagement initiatives (such as regular Parent-Teachers meetings, Meet and Greet with local officials, etc.) where the centres, families, and the community actively work together, creating networks of shared responsibility for success. The aim is to provide a tool that promotes civic well-being and that strengthens the capacity of the centres, families, and the community to support each other’s full development. The initiatives leverage Borderless’ volunteers’ network and are open to the wider Lebanese and international communities and promote inclusion and social cohesion between the community and their most vulnerable members. The initiatives include:
Awareness sessions and parents’ meetings:
Offer awareness sessions to the beneficiaries of the centres. The sessions cover domestic and gender-based violence, child labour, misconduct, child and human rights, health and hygiene. The centres also conduct parent-teacher conferences on monthly basis where we discuss parenting skills, domestic violence, health and nutrition and serves as medium to gather feedback and identify the needs of the community.
Painting the surrounding:
Make a transformative and positive impact on the community through painting and colours. Underprivileged communities suffer from a damaging arbitrary urban planning and lack of infrastructure development. This initiative is aimed at encouraging these communities to take lead in improving their own neighbourhoods and living environments. The idea is to teach locals from all ages the responsibility of taking care of their neighbourhoods and transforming them into a touristic and artistic attraction that help boost the economy.
Volunteering program:
Leverage and expand Borderless NGO volunteering network that has active volunteers from around Lebanon to offer fun activities for children where they can come and spend time learning and playing. The centres host volunteers that deliver co-curricular activities for the children (examples include: sports, arts and crafts, remedial education and general educational information sessions, etc.). Volunteers offer their expertise and time to help the community and provide the kids the chance to meet new people from different backgrounds and segments of the wider Lebanese population. This initiative also engages external partners such as private institutions and corporations to sponsor volunteer days or field trips. The main priorities are to create a sense of community and promote social cohesion.